Greater Twin Cities United Way Announces New Report to Address Major Challenges Compounded by Pandemic

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Policy, funding recommendations focus on eliminating disparities that result in poverty

MINNEAPOLIS (Feb. 21, 2023) — Greater Twin Cities United Way today announces the launch of its new report called “Connecting the Dots: Policy and Funding Solutions to Support Thriving Minnesota Families.” Developed for policy makers, legislators, funders and nonprofits, the report is based on Greater Twin Cities United Way’s learnings and learnings from its 100+ nonprofit partners over the past three years, and addresses major challenges in the region and across Minnesota that have been compounded due to the pandemic.

Major Challenges

Aligned with Greater Twin Cities United Way’s policy agenda, the following persistent challenges are identified in the new report:

  • underinvestment in organizations led by and serving Communities of Color,
  • nonprofit sector workforce shortages,
  • negative impact of the benefits cliff on working families,
  • and homelessness.


To address these challenges, the report provides detail on Greater Twin Cities United Way’s recommendations, including:

  • Invest in organizations with Black, Indigenous, Latinx, Asian, Pacific Islander and/or People of Color leaders to improve racial equity in Minnesota.
  • Stabilize the nonprofit workforce to improve Minnesota’s overall economy and well-being.
  • Mitigate systemic barriers and address the benefits cliff to disrupt inequities and support working families.
  • Prevent (rather than respond to) homelessness to foster a region where all people thrive.

“We encourage leaders across the state to leverage the learnings and strategies from this report as they approach their work and make decisions toward eliminating disparities that result in poverty toward a thriving Minnesota,” said John Wilgers, President & CEO of Greater Twin Cities United Way.

“Nonprofit organizations are a rich resource for deeper understanding of the unmet needs within the region. Through our collaborative partnerships with the nonprofits we support, we have insight into the inequities facing BIPOC and low wealth communities. This invites the conversation of co-creating solutions that stimulate real and lasting change,” said Stephannie L. Lewis, Associate Vice President of Community Impact.


The report leverages learnings from Greater Twin Cities United Way’s work in grantmaking, crisis and information services, community engagement and advocacy and policy work. Greater Twin Cities United Way’s nonprofit partners provided learnings and strategies through grant applications and outcome reporting as well as surveys.


About Greater Twin Cities United Way: Greater Twin Cities United Way unites changemakers, advocates for social good and develops solutions to address the challenges no one can solve alone to create a community where all people thrive. The organization serves the community in three ways:

  • Crisis and Information Services (211 resource helpline, 988 Suicide and Crisis Prevention Lifeline),
  • Innovation Initiatives (Career Academies, Full Lives, 80×3: Resilient from the Start),
  • Advocacy and Strategic Partnerships (legislators, nonprofits, businesses).

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About the Author

Greater Twin Cities United Way unites changemakers, advocates for social good and develops solutions to address the challenges no one can solve alone to create a community where all people thrive. Together with our partners, we’re meeting immediate community needs while transforming inequitable systems in the areas of housing, food, education and jobs.

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