Family Philanthropy Series: You Need a Will. Demystifying the Steps to Take

A father stands holding one child and the other sits on his shoulders

Linne Lemke


It’s easy to put off creating a will, but consultant Nathan Laible, JD has seen the deep sense of assurance that many people experience after documenting their wishes. He’s also familiar with the misconceptions around wills that can cause folks to hesitate. (Are wills only for wealthy people? Is the process unpleasant? How much will it cost me?) Having a will is fundamental, Laible said, “and I can’t emphasize enough that everyone can do one.” In a May conversation moderated by Greater Twin Cities United Way’s Mala Thao, Laible demystifies the process of creating a will.

Session Highlights

Throughout, Laible addresses common concerns and live questions from attendees including: When is it time to create or revise my will? Do I need a lawyer? Is it expensive? What happens to my will if I move to another state? Which online tools should I trust, and what are their limitations?

Laible recommends these free resources and others:

  • Estate planning guide
  • FreeWill, a tool to create your own will available through a partnership with United Way

Session slides are available.

More Learning

It’s our goal to provide valuable learning opportunities to our donors and our community. This is the third hour-long learning session in our Family Philanthropy Series to be available online. See the full playlist.

Together, as changemakers, we’re creating a community where all people thrive regardless of income, race or place. When you include a donation as part of your overall estate and financial planning, you ensure we make meaningful strides toward achieving our vision.

Visit or contact Linne Lemke to learn more about how to impact the community through your charitable support and achieve your philanthropic goals.

About the Author

Linne Lemke is a Planned Giving Officer and works with individual donors who believe that all people in our community deserve the opportunity to thrive especially people who are marginalized by race, income or place. Linne earned her Certified Fund Raising Executive (CFRE) certification from St. Thomas Opus College of Business in 2016. She serves on the board of directors of the Minnesota Gift Planning Association (MGPA) and is a member of the WCA Foundation.

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