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850 Greater Twin Cities Families Provided with Home Essentials!

Two parents are playing with their child in a room filled with moving boxes

United Way Staff


Throughout October and November, community changemakers supported United Way’s annual Home For Good initiative, addressing the need for essential household supplies for those transitioning from homelessness to stable housing.

This year’s initiative impacted 850 individuals and families, who will receive a Welcome Home Kit containing essential items such as plates, cups, kitchen utensils, laundry soap, towels, hygiene essentials and more!

Due to in-person restrictions surrounding COVID-19, Home For Good was fully virtual, and hundreds of people from our community volunteered at home by assembling Home Essential Packs, making tie fleece blankets, and collecting and donating household items.

Early December, items were assembled into Welcome Home Kits by a small team at United Way in downtown Minneapolis. Completed kits will be distributed throughout the greater Twin Cities community by 27 nonprofit partners (see full list below).

In a year of great challenges, our community showed true agility and generosity. We’d like to say “thank you” to the 600+ volunteers and supporters who donated over 36,000 household supplies.

Home For Good 2020 would not be possible without Bremer Bank, this year’s presenting sponsor, and event sponsor, 3M Open – thank you!

Each year, 1,400 households in the greater Twin Cities transition from homelessness to stable housing but lack essential items needed for a safe, stable home. Join our effort to meet this need and donate to the Home For Good initiative!

Thank you to our Home For Good 2020 Nonprofit Partners!

  • Ain Dah Yung Center
  • Amherst H Wilder Foundation
  • Avenues for Youth
  • Avivo
  • Casa de Esperanza
  • Catholic Charities of St. Paul & Minneapolis
  • Clare Housing
  • CLUES (Comunidades Latinas Unidas en Servicio)
  • Emma Norton
  • Face to Face Health and Counseling Services
  • JustUs Health
  • Minnesota Indian Women’s Resource Center
  • Model Cities of St. Paul, Inc.
  • Neighborhood House
  • Oasis for Youth
  • People Serving People
  • Project for Pride in Living, Inc.
  • RADIAS Health
  • Simpson Housing
  • Solid Ground
  • St. Stephen’s Human Services, Inc.
  • The Bridge for Youth
  • The Link
  • The Salvation Army
  • YMCA of the Greater Twin Cities
  • YouthLink
  • YWCA St. Paul

About the Author

Greater Twin Cities United Way unites changemakers, advocates for social good and develops solutions to address the challenges no one can solve alone to create a community where all people thrive. Together with our partners, we’re meeting immediate community needs while transforming inequitable systems in the areas of housing, food, education and jobs.

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