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Statement in Response to George Floyd's Death

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John Wilgers


“Racism and discrimination have no place in our society, and Greater Twin Cities United Way mourns the death of George Floyd alongside his family and our community. We join others in calling for justice for George and for reforms that will help prevent tragedies like these from happening again, particularly to our Black and Brown neighbors. Greater Twin Cities United Way envisions a region where everyone has the opportunity to thrive, regardless of their income, race or place. We can only achieve this vision if we all, together, strive toward equity and denounce racism and violence.”John Wilgers, President and CEO, Greater Twin Cities United Way

About the Author

John Wilgers is the President and CEO of Greater Twin Cities United Way. A passionate community advocate for more than 10 years, John has served in several United Way roles, including board chair, member of the executive committee of the board, volunteer, fundraiser and donor. He has a bachelor’s degree in business administration and accounting from the University of Kansas.

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